Monday, August 10, 2015

SKIRT COLLECTION PART 1: The Hannah Everly Skirts

SUPER excited to finally post part 1 of my "skirt collection" series! First up.. my Hannah Everly skirts! Please excuse any embarrassing dance moves I break out. The heat was really getting to me. Please let me know if there's any other kind of videos or collection videos you'd like to see!
Have a fabulous evening!



  1. Oh my gosh!!! All of your skirts are just so cute! I seriuosly love your vlogs, keep them coming girl!! I love them!

    1. Thank you SO much Morgan!!! That's so nice to hear!! I'll keep uploading them then! :)

  2. Ohhhh, this is so sweet and pretty! Thank you so much for sharing, Hannah!

  3. I need a Hannah Everly twirly skirt. Also I loved this! Keep 'em coming!

  4. I love this video, Hannah! I think the first one is probably my favorite -- wow, that twirly AND with a bow? I'm sold :)

    Dance A Real
    walking in the air.
